Encounter with the World of Islam.

In the Name of God, The Clement, The Merciful

Présentation by Raphaël Deillon

From their foundation, the White Fathers have been in Muslim areas
since their Religious Society was founded in Algeria.
This desire for dialogue therefore arose quite naturally from a symbiosis
between Christians and Muslims.
Islam and Christianity have long opposed one another on the political, military and religious fronts.
It is time we found ways to know one another better.
We have such a lot to share with one another

Our religious writings themselves invite us to listen to others.
“At various times in the past and in various different ways, God spoke…”
Letter to the Hebrews, 1:1″
“If God had wanted it, he would have made of you a single people,
but he wanted you to seek it, in order to develop the gifts he gave you.”
Sura 5: 48

Cardinal Lavigerie, Founder of the White Fathers, gave his Missionaries the mandate to maintain relations of friendship and service between Christians and Muslims and to do this with the greatest respect for each other’s faith.

Still actively present in Lebanon, Jerusalem, in Algeria, Tunisia, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, etc., they try never to attempt between them what they can undertake with believers of other religions. There are so many areas today where we can work together as Christians and Muslims. We can advance the cause of justice and peace and diminish poverty, forestall and extinguish hotbeds of violence, help the displaced, keep watch over the natural riches of our planet.

Continuously involved in the aim of this interreligious dialogue, the White Fathers have founded several specialised Institutes that enable a better understanding of Muslim culture and faith and that open pathways to dialogue.

The PISAI (Institut Pontifical d’Etudes Arabes et Islamiques) Rome
For information, contact info@pisai.it
See : * The Missionaries of Africa and the PISAI in Rome
University-standard Institute, preparing licentiate or doctorate in 1, 2 or 3 years info@pisai.it

‘IBLA   (Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes) Tunis

In Bamako, Mali, l’IFIC (Institut of Islam-Christian Formation)

In France, they collaborate with the church of France and, in particular, the Secretariat for the Relations with the Islam .See the network ((SRNM) and also with the “Gric” ( Islam-Christian Group of Research)

You will also find the sites of magazines published from this point of view, in particular:

In Africa

Kenya : * Tangaza Kenya : Next academic year : New Program of Islamic Studies for Students of Theology
In  Mali EN CHEMIN, Bamako


* La lune, le calendrier et les fêtes Musulmanes
* L’ISLAM et ses COURANTS (du groupe rencontre Belgique)
* Au sujet du Le FOULARD islamique (du groupe rencontre Belgique)

Fin du Ramadan Fête de l’Aïd El Fitr
Fête du Sacrifice : Aïd al Adha ou Aïd el Kébir Bonne fête à nos amis musulmans

Septembre 2013 : L’Église de France et les musulmans : Michel Lelong PB
– Sahel: Vie et coutumes des touareg. (extrait de la conférence de M. Dag Ibrahim)

– Algérie : Les 100 ans du Diocèse du Sahara par Mgr Michel Gagnon (décédé)
Dialogue inter religieux : Conférence dans une mosquée Michel Lelong
Proche-Orient : Les P.B. à Jérusalem (Stéphane Joulain & Michel Deffrennes)
Nigeria : “La loi islamique au Nigeriapar Mgr John Onaiyekam,