Fr. Jos van Boxel
Provincial of Europe
Fr. Ferdinand van Campen
Assistant Provincial of Europe
Our Superior General
Father Stanley Lubungo
Provincial of France.
Father Michel Girard
5, rue Roger Verlomme
75003 Paris
1st Assistant
Provincial Treasurer
Provincial Secretary
Father Michel Groiselle
Mme Delphine Cottray
Father Bernard Beauchet
Father François Richard
Provincial House
5 rue Verlomme
Voir photos intérieures
Father François Richard
For more
Photos of the councillors
Photos of the Provincials in the worldand the Deleguates provincial in Europe
Our Superior General : Fr. Stanley Lubungo (in the middle) (Zambia)
and the four Assistants General: (from left to right)
Pawel Hulecki (Polish) ; Francis Bomansaan 1st Assistant (Ghanéen) ;
Leo L. Marie Joseph (India) et Anselme Tarpaga (Burkinabè)
Pour plus de détails . For more in English
Les Superiors General of the Society from 1868 to 2028