Initial Formation
Are you interested in the Missionaries of Africa (formerly White Fathers) ?
Father Bob Tebri
who is the Secretary for Initial Formation
of the future “Missionaries of Africa”,
tells you more about it…
Missionari d’Africa
Via Aurelia 269 CP 9078 00100 Roma
(39) 06 39 36 34 1
E-mail :
Contact en France : Père Norbert Mwishabongo :
Who are we ?
An international Missionary Society working mainly in Africa and the Middle East.
Where are we?
We work especially in North Africa (amongst the Muslims) and sub Saharan Africa, in all, in more than 23 different African countries
working for the local Church.
We have 22 houses of formation in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. At the present time some 471 young men are preparing themselves either as a priest or brother to serve the peoples of Africa.
Our formation is international.
You will meet many young people from Africa, South America, and Asia on your formation journey.
A wonderful experience discovering the richness and vibrancy of other cultures
and living in small groups while you study, pray and work.
Are you interested ?
- · In giving yourself to the much-neglected African continent.
· In being a man of God and bringing the Good News to others?
· In living and working together in international communities throughout Africa.
· By witnessing to the whole idea of Intercultural living and by a strong desire to work for Justice and Peace at all levels. contact us. - Our Society takes young men between 21-30 years in age,
and according to one’s previous education. For further informations, please contact us.
· In being prepared for an exciting missionary life by means of a holistic formation programme.
- a) 1st Phase Some Philosophy /social sciences etc.
b) 2nd Phase Spiritual preparation of 1 year in either Zambia or Burkina Faso.
c) 3rd Phase A working experience (stage) of two years in a given African country in an international Missionary of Africa Community.
d) 4th Phase A solid theological preparation in either Kinshasa, Abidjan, Jerusalem, Nairobi, or Merrivale (South Africa)
- a) 1st Phase Some Philosophy /social sciences etc.
Are you ready to give yourself to God and to the people of Africa?
Are you willing to spend your life walking the road of faith with the people of another race and culture?
Does such an African adventure interest you?
Voir article : Notre Formation : exigeante mais belle étape dans la vie !
* Sessions dans les centres de formation sur l’Histoire de la Société avec Jean-Claude Ceillier 2009
You can contact us through our email :
Contact in France : Père Norbert Mwishabongo : E-mail: