Many Africans in France are there to stay |
We have Confreres more directly involved in missionary projects as defined
by the last Chapter. It is of interest to distinguish between appointments
at the service of the Church in France and those in the name of the Province.
We try to be bridges with the Church of
France, between these People, these Cultures,
these Churches and specially the Moslem world.
A - At the service of the Church in France :
1 . Jean-Marie Gaudeul is editor in chief of the Review SE Comprendre . (Relations with Islam)
This website "Se Comprendre" is written by christians. Its aim is to inform the christian social and medical workers, people in charge of aid to migrants, religious and pastors whose activity deals with various cultures. We give them the necessary elements for their social work.
2 . Stéphane Joulain
is "Assistant Director" at National level for the care of Migrants. and the Episcopal Committee for Migrations (France). This work is also at the European level (COMECE) and the international level (mixed commission , France-Maghreb, World Congress).
3. Georges Paquet:
at the service of undocumented immigrants in the north-west Paris sub-branch of Secours Catholique (Caritas France) and also Welcome of the immigrants at the Secours Catholique
4 . Pastoral Missionary Programme in line with the Church of France (OPM) and with others Missionaries Institutes: Jean Moriaud - Jean-François GaltierB - At the Service of des Missionnaires dAfrique :
1 . Guy Vuillemin -
is President of the Antenna of France for Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN : African-Europe Faith and Justice Net work)
C - Personnal Commitments(endorsed by the White Fathers of France) :
Michel Lelong (GAIC), Groupe d'Amitié Islamo-Chrétienne Moslem Christian Friendship group. See website And also Reportage in "Voix d'Afrique"
Hubert Barbier :
Vigilance Soudan.See website
The association was created in 1992 by People promoting Human Rights involving a group of former Sudanese residents.