Prayer to Our Lady of Africa.
Other Prayers

Our Lady of Africa, Mother of us all,
be specially mindful of the peoples of Africa.

Gather together all those who follow Jesus Christ.
May they be one in the Church of your Son.

May all those who have not yet recognized Jesus
as the Son of the Father be drawn by his Light.

May all those who have been seized by Christ
proclaim the Good News by their whole life.

You who were present with the Apostles
at the beginning of the Church,
support the apostles of today
that they may boldly proclaim the Word of God.

Statue of O. L. of Africa

You who were open to the Holy Spirit
to welcome Jesus within you
and give Him to the world,
obtain for many young people
a like openness and availability.

Our Lady of Africa, Queen of Peace,
obtain the gift of peace for all nations
torn apart by hatred, resentment and racism.

May your Son's law of Love
win over and unite all hearts,
so that together we may sing the Glory
of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.