of the European Province - page 4
Section de Suisse
Route de la Vignettaz 57
CH 1700 Fribourg
Tél. : 00 41 26 424 19 77
Confreres' Activities :
At Fribourg: services of the Swiss Section (3 confreres with other tasks); in-charge and bursar of the community; media, missionary promotion, Justice & Peace; administration of publications; community services; pastoral ministries.
At Lucerne: one in-charge of the community and a local bursar; administration of publications and procurement office (accounts and thank-you letters); postage stamp service; ministry and occasional missionary promotion.
Missionary Projects
Missionary testimony via the media: 32-page annual letter to friends, (Info in German, 14,350 copies; Présence, French, 7,700 copies; Presenza, Italian, 2,900 copies); quarterly newsletter in French: Ensemble, 2,400 copies, prepared with the MSOLA; Kontinente, 280,000 copies for MISSIO-AACHEN and 21 Missionary Institutes. We have around 2,900 Swiss-German subscribers and we have access to 4 pages in every issue.) Africa Magazine, (Italian Province) with around 400 addresses in the Ticino. Website in French:
Islam Encounter is sought for teachers, catechist leaders or other communities.
Justice & Peace: participation in the Swiss branch of Africa-Europe Faith & Justice Network (AEFJN); inter-Congregation group for support to migrants; ACAT; a project for meeting with migrants in 2 neighbourhoods of Fribourg, one of which has 50% foreigners.
VoCAS (African Christian Volunteers in Switzerland ): occasional support for choirs and cultural groups. Annual pilgrimage to African men and women Saints to St. Moritz, newsletter planned.
Contacts with missionary groups seeking renewal, with 'Voyage-Partage', which organises short trips to Africa and elsewhere for young people.
The country
Area : 41,285 km2
Population: 7.5 million
20.6 % of whom are from migration, of which 19.8% are Italians and 13.1% are SerbsPrincipal Towns : Berne, Zurich, Geneva, Basel.
Official Languages: German (69.3%), French (18.9%), Italian (9,8%), Romanche (0.9%)
Currency: Swiss Franc
Head of State: Micheline Calmy-ReyReligion :
41.80% Catholic
35.30% Protestants
01.80% Orthodox
04.60% Muslim
14.40% no religion
St Nicholas of FlüeThe Section
Delegate: J-Pierre Chevrolet
Founded: 1913Total Swiss: 41
In the Province: 30
In retirement homes:10
Non-Swiss confreres: 3
Hors Cty. : 3
In Africa: 8
In other countries: 3
Average age: 78.53Retirement homes:
Veyras (near Sierre)
Suisse-Afrique, Lien , Ensemble
Patron Saints of Europe :
The Church has particularly encouraged the European movement by the proclamation of seven Patron Saints of Europe, who serve as examples and as intercessors for Europeans that they may guide them in their human plans and protect them by their intercessions with God.
Sts Cyril and Methodius , St Brigit , St Teresa Benedict of the Cross, St Catherine of Siena* * *
The youngest confrere of the European Province is Mariusz Bartuzi, 32, Poland The oldest confrere of the European Province is Jean Bertaux, 103, Belgium.* * *
Prière pour lEurope
Père de lHumanité,
Seigneur de lHistoire,
Regarde ce continent auquel Tu as envoyé des philosophes,
Des législateurs et des sages,
Précurseurs de la foi en ton Fils mort et ressuscité,
Regarde ces peuples évangélisés par Pierre et Paul,
Par les prophètes, les moines et les saints,
Regarde ces régions baignées par le sang des martyrs
Et touchées par la voix des réformateurs,
Regarde les peuples unis par de multiples liens
Et divisés par la haine et la guerre.
Donne-nous de nous engager pour une Europe de lesprit,
Fondée non seulement sur les accords économiques,
Mais aussi sur les valeurs humaines et éternelles ;
Une Europe capable
de réconciliations ethniques et cuméniques,
Prompte à accueillir létranger,
respectueuse de toute dignité.
Donne-nous de regarder avec confiance notre devoir,
de susciter et promouvoir une entente
entre les peuples qui assure, pour tous les continents,
La justice et le pain, la liberté et la paix.
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
Archevêque émérite de Milan