Missionaries of Africa
White Fathers France

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update 2020-03-08

An african Proverb?

Historical Articles and books about our Society

1 - Articles - 2 Books 3. Booklets (Blue)

* Father Maurice Bellière (1874-1907) by Piet van der Pas, M.Afr.

* The White Fathers in Senegal by Joseph Roger de Benoist.

* Bishop François Gerboin 1847-1912 : Founder and leader of the first missions in Burundi.

* Father Jean-Marie Leport « Piripori » 1877-1964 by Walt Neven

* The apostolate of the White Fathers between the two World Wars, by Francis Nolan M.Afr.

* Father François Samson (1880-1961) by Frank Nolan

* Father Arthur Hughes (Mgr) 1902-1949 by Maurice Billingsley

* Brother Mathieu (Jean-Baptiste Brichaux) 1871 - 1944 by Frank Nolan M.Afr.

* Father Michel Boisseau ( 1920-1994), François Richard

* 2016 : Cardinal Lavigerie Anthology Volume I (1857-1874), Jean-Claude Ceillier, MAfr. (with pictures))

* Father David Clément ( 1922-1986), François Richard

* Father Arnold Grol (1906-1997), François Richard Archivist Rome

* Father Joseph Scherrer (1897-1983) Mali.

* Father August Schynse ( 1857-1891) The first German in the Society, François Richard, Archivist

* History : Growth of the Society during the mandates of Bishop Livinhac

* The Society of the Missionaries of Africa after the death of the Founder. Peter Mateso M.Afr.

* Father Yves Alliaume (1900-1983), François Richard Archivist Rome

* Brother Alban (1904-1998), François Richard Archivist Rome

* May 2014 : Epilogue to "Totteridge (Our House of Formation) 1967-1972": Marcel Boivin M.Afr. (In English)

* Centenary of the foundation of Nzérékoré (Guinea)

* America welcomes the White Fathers (Canada) Félix Charmetant)

* Le Charisme de notre Société - Perspective Historique, Francis Nolan M.Afr.
* The Charism of our Society - Historical Perspective by Frank Nolan M.Afr. (2014)
(En anglais)

* Updated May 2014 : Brief Story about St Edward's College, House of Formation M.Afr in Great Britain, Marcel Boivin M.Afr. (In English)

* The Statue of Our Lady of Africa in the Basilica O.L. of Africa in Alger (2 documents Archives + Photos)

* History : 1898 - 1934 : The White Fathers in Buenos Aires in Argentine. François Richard, M.Afr. Archivist

* Article sur Our Lady of Africa in Algiers. (Statue and Basilica)

* Feast of the Uganda Martyrs 3rd June 2012 :Dream for a new era of Graces and Blessings for Uganda

* "Let us Be Courageous as our Ancestors, the Uganda Martyrs" : Feast of the Uganda Martyrs 3rd June 2011 by Fr. Richard Nnyombi M.Afr.

* Documents (21 pages) about M.Afr. Military Chaplains in the Second World War by Aylward Shorter M.Afr

* Bishop Streicher, Henri M.Afr . 1863 to 1952 - Catholic Church Uganda - by Aylward Shorter M.Afr.

* Who was Brother Amans? by Frank Nolan M.Afr * Difficulties and Consolations of Apostolic Life from Bishop Livinhac (+) 1921

* Letter to an Aspirant from Bishop Livinhac (+) 1921 * History : The White Fathers and Saint Joseph Thibar by Alexis Lemaître 1906 Juin 2009

* History : The White Fathers and Carthage by Jacques Poirier M.Afr, May 2009

* A Superior General forgotten by history : Father Pierre Viven, 1844-1933 by Stefaan Minnaert M.Afr. May 2009

* History : Our Society from 1868 to 1907 by Jacques Poirier M.Afr, April 2009

* Rwanda Butare Colloquium Religions in Rwanda Mutations, convergences, compétition 18 et 19 september 2008 by Stefaan Minnaert M.Afr.

* 150 years ago, the first Novitiate of the Society of Missionaries of Africa

* Bishop Anatole Toulotte : Member de the 1st Community in Jerusalem and Vicar Apostolic of the Sahara-Soudan 1852-1907

* 2008 :The beginning of the Mission in southern Uganda and the organization of the catechumenate 1879-1914 by Marinus Rooijackers

* Mission and History : On a fault line in an African Society by Stefaan Minnaert M.Afr.

* Bishop John Forbes 1864-1926 - Raynald Pelletier June 2003 (with Photos)

* The "Sancta Maria succurre miseris" of the Missionaries of Africa with the song

* History : Captain Joubert 1842 - 1927

* 12 May 1890 - Death of Father Lourdel (1853-1890) (by Fr. Stefaan Minnaert M.Afr. & photos archives)

* Archbishop Léon Livinhac, (White Father) Founder of the Catholic Church in Buganda, 1846-1922 (by Fr. Stefaan Minnaert M.Afr. & photos archives)

* Centenary foundation of Santa Maria Chilubi Island (1903-2003 - Bishop Dupont ) by
Father B.A. Poisson, M.Afr.

* History : White Fathers Ethnographers 1892-1914

* History : First sub-Saharan Missionaries of Africa 1893

* * *
2 - Books

Jean-Claude Ceillier M.Afr.

History of the Missionaries of Africa
(White Fathers)
From the beginning of their Foundation
by Msgr Lavigerie until his death

Year of Publication 2011 334 pp
Translated from the French by Aylward Shorter M.Afr
Paulines Publicationss Africa Kenya
On sale also at the Generalate Rome 10 € + port


Histoire des Missionnaires d’Afrique (Pères Blancs)

KARTHALA, mars 2008, 303 pages, 16 €

Histoire de l’Église catholique au Sénégal


CLAIRAFRIQUE-KARTHALA, mars 2008, 584 pages, 39 €

Fr. Aylward Shorter M.Afr.

African Recruits and Missionary Conscripts
The White Fathers and the Great War (1914-1922)

Publisher :"Missionaries of Africa History Project". Pages : 270
"Donation". GBP £10 - plus :"postage and packing".
This book is available from the Missionaries of Africa History Project,
Oak Lodge, 48 Totteridge Common, London N20 8NB U.K..
For More

Gérard MALHERBE, M.Afr
Album du Souvenir. Photos de jadis : les gens et les Missionnaires d'Afrique (Pères Blancs)
au Kivu. A l'occasion du Centenaire de l'Archidiocèse de Bukavu, 1906-2006, Bukavu 2005, Kivu-Presses Bukavu R.D. Congo, 2006.

344 pages : 116 pages de texte (avec la table des photos), et 228 pages pour les 412 photos.

Luc de L'Arbre,

Ils étaient tous fidèles.
Nos martyrs et témoins de l'amour
en République Démocratique du Congo,
Novembre 2005, Imprimé en mai 2006 par
l'Imprimerie Kivu-Presses à Bukavu R.D. Congo, 235 pages.

Cross & Flag in Africa
The"White Fathers" during the Colonial Scramble (1892-1914
Fr .Aylward Shorter M.Afr.

ORBIS W BOOKS (294 pages)
Maryknoll, New York 10545

De Novembre 1889
A Février 1900

Premier Voyage de Mgr Hirth au Rwanda

Contribution à l'étude de la fondation de l'Eglise Catholique au Rwanda
P. Stefaan Minnaert, M.Afr.
Les Editions Rwandaises
Mars 2006
718 pages

Le Père Siméon Lourdel
Apôtre de l'Ouganda (1853-1890)
Par le Père Armand Duval

L'Eglise Catholique de l'Ouganda considère le P. Siméon Lourdel comme son fondateur. Sa courte vie est étudiée à partir de sa correspondance, à sa famille et à ses supérieurs. On y découvre l'âme d'un héros ainsi qu'une quantité de détails sur la vie d'un peuple auquel il avait voué son éxistence. L'Eglise de l'Ouganda fut fécondée d'emblée par le sang des martyrs.
278 pages-22- Edit: Fr-X de Guilbert - 3 rue Jean-François Gerbillon 75006 Paris- 22 €

The History of the Catholic Church in Zambia, 1895 to 1995 by Fr. Hugo Hinfelaar M.Afr
This book of 469 pages and the format of 24x18 cm, which is written as a story of the Zambian people, was launched last night, on Saturday, 27th March 2004.
Kwacha 80.000 (= US$ 16.50)
Short History of the Presence of the Missionaries of Africa in South Africa 1972-1997, 2003, 40 pages. Oct 2003
Marc Angers and Seán O’Leary, M. Afr
Available from The Missionaries of Africa, P. O. Box 10057, Edenglen 1613, South Africa.
E-mail : mafreden@tiscali.co.za
C'était une longue Fidélité
Père Armand Duval

Ce livre du Père Armand Duval nous introduit dans la vie des sept Pères Blancs qui, par solidarité avec les peuples algérien et rwandais, ont donné leur vie, en 1994 et 1997.

L'Evangile de Quim
Père Armand Duval
Ordonné prêtre en 1965, Quim - de son vrai nom Joaquim Vallmajo -, partit à la fin de la même année pour la mission au Rwanda. Père Blanc

Le Cardinal Lavigerie par François Renault.
    Edition Fayard. 1992
    Ouvrage fouillé : 694 pages
Vent d’Avenir
    Le Cardinal Lavigerie par Joseph Perrier
    Edition Karthala 1992
    Pour grand public. 158 pages.

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